Thursday, February 9, 2012

Milk It!

According to the Australian Nutrition Survey, around 70% of children don't get their recommended dietry intake calcium. Kids aged between one and three years need 500mg per day - here's guide to help you out!

Bukan kanak-kanak di Australia sahaja. Anak-anak Malaysia juga perlukan susu dan calcium yang cukup!

Kita lihat senarai di bawah.

* Cup of milk = 300mg
* 200g tub of yogurt = 300mg
* 200ml of calcium-fortified sy milk = 300mg
* 1/2 cup 0f canned salmon = 402mg
* cup of calcium-fortified breakky cereal (40g) = 200g
* 1/2 cup of calcium-fortified orange juice (100ml) = 80mg
* 2 slices of calcium fortified bread (30g)= 200mg

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